Established in 2007
As a PADI Dive Center we are strictly regulated and branded by the professional association of diving instructors.
Diving with your local dive shop (LDS) is an ideal way to dive exotic locations. Travel with people you know and gear you can trust.
Students enrolled in the Open Water Program get to exchange any personal gear used during the course. Doesn’t fit? – exchange it or take store credit.
What we really do?
Donec libero dolor, tincidunt id laoreet vitae,
ullamcorper eu tortor. Maecenas pellentesque, dui vitae iaculis mattis, tortor nisi faucibus magna, vitae ultrices lacus purus vitae metus.
Our Vision
Donec libero dolor, tincidunt id laoreet vitae,
ullamcorper eu tortor. Maecenas pellentesque, dui vitae iaculis mattis, tortor nisi faucibus magna, vitae ultrices lacus purus vitae metus.
History of Beginning
Donec libero dolor, tincidunt id laoreet vitae,
ullamcorper eu tortor. Maecenas pellentesque, dui vitae iaculis mattis, tortor nisi faucibus magna, vitae ultrices lacus purus vitae metus.