Shark Conservation Dive Class


The Padi AWARE Shark Conservation Dive class explores why local sharks need your help and where to find them in Monterey.

[tmpmela_cms_block target=”_blank” image=”20998″ text1=”Two Dives” text2=”Searching for Sharks” text3=”Earn the coveted PADI Specialty” link_text=”Read more about the AWARE program here >” link_url=”” classname=”sub-banner1″]
[tmpmela_cms_block target=”_blank” style=”1″ text1=”At Home Academics” text2=”Included” text4=”” text3=”One Knowledge Review” classname=”sub-banner2″ image=”20802″ text1_color=”#000000″ text2_color=”#000000″ text3_color=”#5a5a5a” link_url=”” link_text=”Download and start now: AWARE PDF”]

Shark Conservation Dive Class

Do you want to learn more about the local sharks of the Monterey Bay? Reserve your spot in the next Scuba Fusion PADI AWARE Shark Conservation Dive Class.  Explore the sharks marine ecosystems and habitats. You’ll learn more about why the shark communities are endangered and how you can become a valuable and contributing shark defender. By knowing more about the sharks environments, you can increase your awareness of and chances of seeing one during a dive.

Prerequisites:  You must be a certified diver and be 12 or older to participate in this PADI Specialty Course.

AWARE Shark Conservation Dive Class
[tmpmela_cms_block target=”_blank” style=”1″ text1=”New eCard Included” text2=”Padi Specialty Course” text4=”” text3=”Recognition of your achievement” classname=”sub-banner1″ image=”20938″ text1_color=”#000000″ text2_color=”#000000″ text3_color=”#5a5a5a” link_url=”” link_text=”More about the PADI eCard”]
[tmpmela_cms_block target=”_blank” style=”1″ text4=”” classname=”sub-banner2″ image=”20869″ text1_color=”#000000″ text2_color=”#000000″ text3_color=”#5a5a5a” link_url=”/nathan-shark-conservation-instructor/” text1=”Your Instructor” text2=”Marine Biologist” text3=”And Master Scuba Diver Trainer” link_text=”Read more about: Nathan”]

Questions about the PADI AWARE Shark Conservation Dive Specialty

[tmpmela_accordion style=”1″][accordion title=”Are there sharks in Monterey Bay?”]Yes! Lots of them. However, spotting them means you will need to be in the right spot at the right time. Sharks of the Monterey Bay are elusive to divers. Sightings of juvenile white sharks have increased. it appears that Monterey Bay has quickly become a terrific place for all kinds of sharks. Sharks usually prefer the waters of the California coastlines.[/accordion][accordion title=”Why should I take a shark conservation course?”]By combining the AWARE Knowledge Development and the 2 ocean dives in Monterey you will have a better chance at getting that award winning photo of a great white shark![/accordion][accordion title=”How much do the academics cost?”]The AWARE Shark Conservation Guide with Knowledge Review is free of charge. The KR can be found ready for download on the Scuba Fusion website.[/accordion][accordion title=”Do I have to spot a shark to get certified?”]No! Simply complete the Knowledge Review and the two Monterey ocean checkout dives.[/accordion][/tmpmela_accordion]
Book the Shark Conservation Specialty
AWARE Shark Conservation Dive PDF

AWARE Academics

To get started download and read the AWARE Shark Conservation Dive PDF from this link: AWARE Shark Conservation Diver Study Guide.

Get credit Learn why sharks have unique physical attributes

Advanced Credit

Grab your credit: Dive one of this PADI Specialty can be used as credit toward your Advanced Diver certification. Book an upcoming Advanced Diver Program Here.

Spotting the best great white shark

Conservation Dives

Spotting sharks locally is not a requirement to get the certification. Complete the knowledge Review and the two AWARE Shark Conservation dives with Scuba Fusion.

Advocate the PADI AWARE Endangered shark conservation class

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#1 Aware Shark Conservation Program