Scuba Refresher Course

Feeling a bit Rusty?

Then the PADI Scuba Refresher Course is for you!

If you have a Co2 cartridge attached to your BC and still calling wetsuits quarter inch then the PADI Scuba Refresher Course and Reactivate program is for you.  To get back in the water you can either take the program over (highly recommended) or take a Scuba Refresher Course.

Scuba Refresher Course near me
Two Scuba Refresher Course divers remembering the good old days of diving
Two reactivate refresher divers remembering the good old days of diving

eLearning Reactivate includes a new C-Card

Non PADI divers receive recognition to prove their accomplishment

The Scuba Refresher course’s focus is to brush up on the basics by spending a few hours in the pool. Divers can have their log books (not included) signed by our instructors. Divers must complete the PADI Reactivate eLearning program to get a replacement digital certification card or recognition. A digital logbook is included with the eLearning Reactivate Program.

Personal diving gear for the Refresher Course (mask, snorkel, boots and fins) is not included in the price of these courses.

Upcoming PADI Refresher Courses

Instructor’s Advice Reactivate

Do the eLearning part of the Refresher program.  It’s cheap, includes a free replacement cert card digital logbook.

List of Scuba Classes at Scuba Fusion

Prescription Masks