Mar 15 Saturday Boat Dives

Trip Fees $159

This guided 2 dive charter trip gets divers back in the water at Monterey. Excellent viz and beautiful marine life are why we get away from the beach and see the real Monterey undersea world from the comfort of a professional charter. More >


Honest and Family Owned since 2006

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Boat Dives

This charter will conduct two dives in the Monterey bay. Depths usually range from 40′ to 80′. Some experience beach diving cold water is recommended to participate.

Sunday 8:00am – 1:00pmish

The boat departs K-dock Monterey just off Cannery Row.  Directions to the secret departure site will be handed out once liability paperwork is signed at Scuba Fusion in San Mateo.

Price includes ticket and guide. Diving gear is not included. Guests pay full fare and anyone diving must be fully certified to participate. The boat will have some snacks, coffee tea and water for us.

Monterey charter boats do not supply any dive equipment to us.  Each of us must board with 2 full tanks and all other gear needed to use while scuba diving. Scuba Fusion rents all of the diving gear needed except personal gear which is a mask, snorkel, boots, fins and gloves.

A dive bag is a must for boat diving – please buy or borrow one. Seasickness pills are also recommended to those who may fall victim to seasickness.  The diving can be fantastic – but the ride can be rough.

12 and up with certifications

Also, these dives are a great opportunity to break in new gear.  You will dive in varying conditions to see what works and what does not.  A Scuba Fusion instructor/divemaster will be with you every step of the way to guide you with new equipment.

Instructor’s Advice Boat

Buy your own BCD bouyancy jacket!  You will master buoyancy faster and dive more often.

Monterey is a popular dive spot where many divers partake in certification classes. The Bay is well protected from ocean waves, making it possible to dive almost every day