Advanced Open Water Diver Manual

SKU: 70139

Original price was: $79.80.Current price is: $74.99.

The Advanced Open Water Manuel is the traditional book form of the needed academics.  You will read the assigned chapters and then fill out the Knowledge Reviews as homework.  Once you have completed checkout visit the store as soon as possible to pick up your manual, sign medical waivers and to rent or purchase any personal gear you may need. This manual purchased from Scuba Fusion includes the PADI PIC certification application needed to complete the course (found on Amazon for $59).

The sale price is applicable to students taking the AOW course at Scuba Fusion only. 1 program per diver (unfortunately manuals cannot be shared between divers)

Key Features

  • Covers multiple types of specialty diving
  • Covers all material on core dive selections
  • Builds essential knowledge and skills

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You are a certified Open Water Scuba Diver and have a need to increase your skill level.  This manual along with the course will allow you to participate in more challenging and interesting dives. Maybe you want to see what it is like to dive at night, maybe what’s in store for you when swimming on a historic wreck, or maybe increasing your depth limitations to deeper the 60′ (18 meters). Whatever you’re next diving adventure, feel better trained and increase your diving comfort by taking a Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Advanced Open Water Dive Course.

Latest addition of manual covers all required material on core dive selections such as deep and navigation diving along with multiple elective dives to complete this 5 dive program. Elective dives choices will be dictated chosen by your instructor.  They may include night, peak performance buoyancy control, Fish identification, boat, Navigation, photography and many more.  The Manual includes the PADI Data Carrier Water Proof Card.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 oz
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 3 in