Prescription Diving Masks Delivered

Prescription Diving Masks Delivered
Free Install – Free Shipping from the Bay Area
prescription diving masks delivered
Off the shelf drop in Rx lenses for SCUBA masks

Prescription Diving Masks Delivered

Buying prescription diving masks is easy. Simply get your prescription ready, choose a mask and select lenses.  Rx lenses today are off the shelf and drop-in.  We do the install and ship free of charge from the Scuba Fusion dive center in San Mateo, Ca.  Today you can have your prescription diving masks delivered. Lenses are priced separately and usually range between $39 – $60. We cannot do anti-stig and some masks do not have positive diopters available.

If you need custom ground fabricated lenses for a rare prescription try this company: Custom Prescription Made Lenses

Preparing a prescription mask takes experience

Installation Done Right!

Our experts have years of experience installing and testing your new prescription Rx SCUBA mask.  Once you have selected a mask we pull the mask and lenses from our San Francisco warehouse and go right to work.  Don’t worry if the prescription does not work just right we will swap lenses out and try again.  There may be some additional shipping charges for returns and refits.

expert installing mask rx lenses at Scuba Fusion Daily City

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