PADI Medical and Liability Questions

Scuba Diving Lessons Learn to dive PADI Medical and Liability Questions

Sign Liability and Medical

Before class begins you will need to fill out the official PADI Medical and Liability Questions in person a week or two before your class.  It contains a series of “Yes” or “No” questions. If you answer YES to questions 3, 5 or 10 OR to any of the questions on page 2 of the medical, you will need to take all three pages of the form (Participant Questionnaire and the Physician’s Evaluation Form) to your physician for a medical evaluation.  Unfortunately, divers who arrive the day of class without a needed waiver from their doctor will be sent home.  Come to the store and fill out this form weeks before class begins just in case Here are the questions:

Sample Medical Form Questions

YES to questions 3, 5 or 10 OR to any of the questions on page 2 means that doctor’s approval is required

Medicals are started at Orientation

There are many important things that cannot be done the day of the first class meeting. Come to the store at least 1-2 weeks before your first class. No appointment is necessary. At Orientation you will:

    1. Sign Liability and medical
    2. Get Personal Gear
    3. Size store Instructional Gear
    4. Collect homework packets or eLearning Quick Review

If you would like to get started on the PADI medical and liability questions before your orientation contact us. You will still need to come to the store for orientation before your class begins.

Begin getting ready 1-2 weeks before
sample padi medical questions for scuba divers