Choose AOW eLearning or the Manual Book

Study online or read the Manual

1 per diver - books and elearning cannot be shared

Two ways to do academics. Purchase the AOW eLearning or study and complete Knowledge Reviews from the AOW manual.

Study online or read the Manual

Manual Vs eLearning

The Advanced Manual has divers reading approximately 5 chapters each about 12 pages long.  At the end of each chapter divers will need to answer 10 or 12 questions in the form of Knowledge Reviews.  The KRs will need to be turned in then reviewed and discussed with the instructor.  The eLearning program can be done on a laptop or other device.  It may take longer to complete and is a little more expensive than the manual. The instructor simply confirms the course has been completed online.

[title size=”big” align=”center” color=”#000000″]Make your Selection[/title]
[title size=”big” align=”center” color=”#000000″]Instructor’s Advice[/title]

Instructor’s Advice Boat

Buy your own BCD bouyancy jacket!  You will master buoyancy faster and dive more often.

Monterey is a popular dive spot where many divers partake in certification classes. The Bay is well protected from ocean waves, making it possible to dive almost every day